Welcome to Nisai Education Trust

Our mission is to develop everyone’s understanding of effective online and blended learning.

Who we are

Nisai Education Trust’s mission is to advance the education of the public in general – and particularly amongst teachers and educationalists – on the subject of online and blended education, to promote research for the public benefit in all aspects of that subject and to publish the useful results.

Online learning provides an opportunity to meet the targets of the UN SDG30 Goal 4 (Education) at scale and ‘ensure equal access to education and training for the vulnerable’. (UN 2018)

What we do

Online education in developed and developing nations has often been defined by ‘edu-tech’ companies and their relationship to the traditional education providers (schools, colleges). The model used is one that is geared to working at scale with little personalisation for learners and their individual needs and contexts, creating inequalities in the benefits realised.

This inequity particularly impacts vulnerable learners, who have a variety of barriers to accessing the education system due to individual learning needs or disabilities, economic or social circumstance, or lack of digital accessibility or digital literacy.

Nisai Education Trust:

  • Carries out proofs of concept and action research into effective models of online education that meet the needs of the most vulnerable learners accommodate their individual characteristics and contexts.
  • Develops professional understanding of best practice in:
    • the organisation and leadership of online education,
    • the development of pedagogy and the curriculum for online and blended education for vulnerable groups.

Learning from Nisai Education Trust’s activity is published for public benefit, targeting teachers and educationalists, to improve future educational provision for vulnerable learners.

The NET Innovation Webinars

Watched by over 1200 practitioners in 4 continents, the NET webinars became a phenomenon during the Covid-19 pandemic when practitioners needed to support a range of students remotely and we are continuing the accessibility and collaboration that they became known for. The webinars bring together academic experts from the Universities of Bristol, Oxford Brookes and Toronto and outstanding practitioners in learner engagement and wellbeing. We aim to strike up rich conversations and provide a source of information and expertise.

The webinars cover topics such as the how innovation and agility in online education can reduce the challenges faced by learners with additional needs, including during the Covid-19 pandemic, supporting DME/2e learners in alternative provision and realising the potential of vulnerable learners.

‘EdTech - ‘Magic Bullet’ reshaping education to meet 2030 goals

This webinar brings together people with extensive experience in the area of online and blended education to make some of those initial reflections and provides a space to start the debate about what effective and relevant education experiences will look like in a radically changed world. 

Panelists Include:

  • UNESCO IITE, Ms. Natalia Amelina – Chief of the Unit of Teacher Professional Development and Networking
  • Prothom Alo, Mr. Munir Hasan – Head, Youth Programme, and General Secretary, Bangladesh Mathematical Olympiad Committee (BdMOC)
  • Nisai Education Trust, Mr. Paul Keenleyside – Executive Director
  • Nisai Global School, Bangladesh, Ms. Sanjida Tanny – Moderator

Addressing Educational Challenges caused by Covid-19 Pandemic through Inclusive Online Education

For over nearly a year, Nisai Group have been highlighting the future effect of Covid19 relating to learning loss and knowledge regression. Research shows that when children do not access school, they not only stop learning but actually lose the knowledge they once had.

The challenge comes from slowing this regression down and identifying innovations and strategies that can not only make up for the time the children have missed from school learning new information, but supporting them in catching up the additional knowledge they once knew and have now lost.

We need to address this problem now and over the coming years to ensure this generation of children have the same opportunities and life choices as everyone else.

Building the Bridge

A webinar examining issues in education for children with additional needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Following on from the webinar we would like to provide you with the PDF versions of the content delivered by the speakers during the session:

A Helping Hand

A webinar looking at emerging tools & practices that professionals can use to help the most vulnerable pupils as we emerge into a ‘new normal’.

Following on from the webinar we would like to provide you with the PDF versions of the content delivered by the speakers during the session:

EDUCATION CAN’T WAIT - How To Cope With The Pandemic Learning Loss And Learning Recovery

The pandemic has disrupted schooling across the world, with potentially devastating long-term consequences for children’s learning and life outcomes. School closures have restricted learning activities to each individual homes, and limited digital infrastructure and parent’s inexperience in supporting children’s learning is almost certain to result in learning loss.

However, the effect is unlikely to have affected everyone equally. Children from disadvantaged background are likely to have suffered more from the closures. Given the financial strain that COVID19 has afflicted to the government and the public, it is important to identify policies that could effectively mitigate the long-term consequences of the impact, particularly for those who are most affected, who are also most likely to not receive sufficient support after school have reopened.

As a part of contribution to Indonesian education, Nisai Education Trust is a not for profit foundation and Nisai Group is an organization who has 25 years’ experience of education delivery, has offered flexible, innovative education programs to our learners and supported them in achieving their ambitions through personalized learning outcome will conduct a series of webinar to support Indonesian education to address and overcome the challenging situation during the pandemic.

Nisai Education Trust (NET) exists to answer emerging questions around maximising the potential of learning in a post-industrial education system.

Our Partners

These projects could not be done alone; we have worked with many partners to deliver them and continue to develop relationships. We are grateful to the organisations we have worked with for their commitment to the projects, their support for learners and their contributions to the understanding of best practice in online and blended education.

Nisai Education Trust Ltd is recognised as a charity in England & Wales. Registered Charity number 1195283

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