We understand that every learner’s educational needs are incredibly diverse and that every school feels that pressure.
The Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) requires each school to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils, but that does not take into account the different types of students who walk into school each day and their own individual challenges and battles.
We are complementary to any school offer and are results driven and recognise that for some learners, even 100% attendance is a positive result. Successfully re-engaging back into a mainstream school is a result. Subsequently, continuing to higher education or training is a result.
Above all, monitoring and progression are important to ensure your child is achieving their goals. From their first lesson with us, we will track your child’s attendance, behaviour and contribution for each lesson. Furthermore, our experienced teachers will also be there to guide your child through any assignments.
Looking for funding routes in the UK? Contact us.
What are the benefits of Nisai?
- Providing education into the home, public area and onsite at school
- Improving attendance
- Reducing fixed term exclusions
- Improving learner attainment
- As part of a wider strategy to re-engage learners
- Supporting non-traditional learners who are unable to attend mainstream and specialist provision.
- High impact, low literacy support through Units of Sound
Additionally, we have many different payment plans set up to meet your requirements, depending on your situation. Call us to discuss: +44 (0) 208 424 8475.
What do we offer?
Across Nisai Learning we are able to offer the following programmes:
- Long-term: curricula for Key Stages 3, 4 and 5
- Short-term: rolling flexible 10 week curriculum ranging from 1 hour to 15 hours per week
- Teaching and Assistive Technology to develop skills in English & Literacy
- Booster programmes: delivered over 10 weeks to fill any gaps in knowledge
- Personalised Learning Support: online academic with the 1:1 support of a friendly mentor
- Academic and Project based learning
- High impact, low literacy support through Units of Sound