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Nisai Virtual Academy confirmed as the only provider of online education to gain the IQM Centre of Excellence Award

The work of Nisai Virtual Academy (Nisai) in delivering outstanding levels of inclusion best practice has once again been recognised by Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM) with Nisai continuing as the only online education provider to be awarded the Centre of Excellence Award.

Following Nisai’s participation in the Global Inclusive Schools Forum hosted at UNESCO HQ, Paris in March, the receipt of this award reinforces Nisai’s commitment to equitable, inclusive and outcome-based education for all.  The standards recognised by IQM as strengths within Nisai are shared across U.K. and international teaching centres that supports learners worldwide.

Ms. Victoria Reaney, Chief Operating Officer of Nisai, holding IQM “Centre of Excellence” Award while standing next to Nisai Group logo
Ms. Victoria Reaney, Chief Operating Officer of Nisai, holdingIQM “Centre of Excellence” Awardwhile standing next to Nisai Group logo.

To gain the award, Nisai’s practice was initially evaluated against the inclusion indicators including its values, leadership, all aspects of teaching and learning, pupil personal development and relationships with parents/carers and the community. To continue as a Centre of Excellence Nisai illustrated a commitment to sustaining and developing inclusive practice, not just internally but also through collaboration with other schools, and by undertaking impactful research into best practice in inclusion, both nationally and internationally.

The IQM assessor, Dirk Pittard, said “Despite celebrating over 26 years as one of the most established market leading companies in the delivery of online learning, this is not an organisation content with standing still, continually looking to improve and provide a better experience for its community.”

In gaining the award Nisai becomes one of only 240 schools and academies nationally to meet the incredibly high standards required by IQM.

Mr. Dhruv Patel, Founder and CEO of Nisai Group, speaking at the SEN Seminar in Malaysia about equality and liberation in education.

Dhruv Patel, Nisai’s Founder and CEO reflected that; “The IQM Centre of Excellence Award means a huge amount to everyone at Nisai. Not only does the award reflect our individual and group commitment to include every young person and family we work with, but also our work in improving, researching and collaborating around educational equity and inclusion so that we can meet our mission – to improve lifelong educational outcomes for all.”

Read more detail on our inspection and see the full report on our website here.


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