Face to Face and Virtual Mentoring where an extra hand is needed to support those requiring additional support
Not every child is the same and at times additional one to one support is required. For those where needs are more complex, we can provide support through our Personalised Learning Support Programme (PLSP) Our mentoring, whether face to face or virtual is bespoke in nature, designed around the specific needs of the child. In the case of students in the UK, outcomes from an EHCP will be included within the mentor package and supported by the mentor. With a focus on non academic skills, PLSP is an integral part of the development of the whole learner.
“Having a mentor has given me confidence in learning because it’s one-on-one and Jake (mentor) can help me with assignments if I need it.” - PLSP Student Testimonial
- Additional support to develop life and social skills
- Supporting more complex needs putting everyone on a level playing field
- Helps learners become active members of their communities
- Provides an outlet for students to speak one to one
- Development and support for the “whole” learner
- Impact on the learner and their families