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Units of Sound in Cape Town: A Success Story from Ikhaya Le Themba – Home of Hope 

Nisai has been in collaboration with Out of Africa Children’s Foundation, Cape Town, South Africa, since 2022. Together they have worked to get Nisai’s Units of Sound online literacy intervention programme into disadvantaged areas in Cape Town, so that children can improve their literacy skills. 

The latest project is at Ikhaya Le Themba – Home of Hope. Home of Hope is an after-school educare centre for children who come from the surrounding areas of the township, Imizamo Yetho, in Cape Town. Here, many of the students are behind in their literacy. 

Nisai’s Units of Sound programme at Ikhaya Le Themba – Home of Hope, Cape Town.

In February 2024, teachers at Home of Hope received training on how to use Units of Sound with students who need a boost with their reading, spelling and writing skills. 

The impact of the programme at Home of Hope has been nothing short of wonderful. Hannah MacLellan, Units of Sound Training and Education Manager, expresses her delight at how the project has progressed since training. 

“We are very happy to share the news that the Units of Sound project at Home of Hope is going from strength to strength. Since finishing teacher training back in February 2024, the teachers at Home of Hope have been working with a growing number of students who need support with their literacy. Units of Sound sessions are helping the students develop their reading, spelling and writing skills and this, in turn, helps them with their schoolwork. The Units of Sound Plus videos are used for those who need support with the foundations of literacy, before starting Units of Sound. This solidifies the alphabet and word endings, so that students can go on to reading and spelling 3-letter words.  

The students are really enjoying working through the Units of Sound activities. The design of the activities ensures students get the majority of tasks correct, and this is a huge boost to confidence. Furthermore, it gives them the opportunity to improve on their computer and typing skills. The teachers are overjoyed with how Units of Sound makes their job of supporting the students so easy and effective, with students working independently and at their own, tailored level.  

Recently, one teacher noted with amazement how a newly set up student, who hasn’t been able to spell 3-letter words, managed a whole page of Spelling on Units of Sound.  

It has been a privilege to work alongside the dedicated teachers at Ikhaya, and witness the progress and joy of the students!” 

Hannah MacLellan – Units of Sound Training and Education Manager

To catch a glimpse of the transformative power of Nisai’s Units of Sound, check out the video above and join us in celebrating this inspiring journey of literacy empowerment in Cape Town.  

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our mission to unlock the full potential of every child through the gift of literacy.