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Advice for Parents

The care and development of your son or daughter is at the forefront of our offer to you.

As parents we always want the best for our children, providing them with opportunities, adventures and experiences whilst keeping them safe and allowing them to thrive and develop. As Nisai, we believe the same and achieve this by providing a safe, nurturing environment where your child can be happy, supported and develop socially as well as academically.

Above all, monitoring and progression are important to ensure your child is achieving their goals. From their first lesson with us, we will track your child’s attendance, contribution and engagement for each lesson. Furthermore, our experienced teachers will also be there to guide your child through any assignments.

"I would like to thank everyone at Nisai for this support and their help to him and myself and for making him feel so accepted, valued and part of what I think as a parent is a fantastic, outstanding online virtual academy school." - Parent Testimonial

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