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Case Studies

Alison’s Story – Alumni Student Rarely left home or made eye contact before studying with Nisai

“I graduated Nisai in 2016 with Maths and History GCSEs. I then went on to do TV and film production at Leeds City College, which I graduated with a DDM (equivalent to AAB)and was nominated for an award (Leeds Golden Owls) for a documentary I shot in Germany with refugees, and have now moved to Cheltenham to study film at the University of Gloucestershire.

I’m currently in my second year and have been to the Berlin Film Festival in my first and the Amsterdam Documentary festival this year, and am working on shooting a documentary, getting work experience in the industry, and am writing my own short films to direct to hopefully get on the festival circuit in the next couple of years.

Thank you for everything, as I know I wouldn’t be where am now without Nisai and the amazing teachers there!”

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