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Virtual Mentoring

The Virtual Mentor Support Programme is specifically designed for children and young people who require a mentor to support them. Mentoring is delivered online and support is created to meet the needs of the individual.

We offer this provision to local authorities/schools/parents who already have students learning online with us. Recognising that not all children and young people can sit for hours, our Virtual Mentoring can be accessed in 30 minute and 1-hour sessions.

"Logging in and working the way Nisai do meant that I did not miss any of my studies, and that I was not isolated and could still engage with my studies, teachers, support team, mentor, chill out zone clubs and competitions."
NVA Student

This support is for students who are accessing academic education with Nisai and the virtual support is to help them with non-academic skills such as encouragement, support and confidence building in the following areas:

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