Nisai Learning School
Providing students with the value gained from accessing both national and international curriculum in one structured timetable.
A Nisai Learning School (NLS) is a Nisai recognised learning school providing an international curriculum alongside local curriculum. This is a blended learning environment where the learner will receive education online, via the Nisai Virtual Academy (NVA), and the traditional face-to-face learning within their school.
What does a Nisai Learning School look like?
- A local school including state school and private school.
- Have at least one school campus.
- Have a secure business and financial model.
- Have teachers and facilitators.
"The NVA brings me as close to the classroom experience as I can imagine possible." - ME Learner, NVA
- Support from Nisai, a global leader in education and training
- Teaching delivered to UK standards
- Wider breadth of curriculum
- Access to internationally recognised qualifications
- Additional options for existing students
- Added value to prospective students – increase in number of students on roll
- Increasing community engagement
- Access to a global learning community
- Smaller class sizes to help them learn
- Support from teachers in school, online and form tutors
- Extra Curricula clubs and societies
- Socialisation both in school and online
- A sense of belonging
- Opportunity to progress on to international universities