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Nisai Learning Zone

A Nisai Learning Zone is an onsite area in a school where alternative curriculum is taught to students from within school and the surrounding areas. Learning Zones are staffed by the school with teaching delivered by Nisai.

Students’ login to the Nisai Virtual Academy to access their classrooms where they learn from their teachers and social areas where they mix with their peers. Within their classroom and learn via the Nisai teachers. The NVA’s online flexibility allows for students to access their classes from a physical setting. This brings quality education to areas that may not have access to quality education or schools and where innovative ways to teach engage and develop our expanding community of students. This provides them with social skills and independence from the support provided by Nisai and local facilitators.  

Current Nisai Learning Zones




"We can see how having another year with her will help his confidence as he works towards moving beyond Nisai." - Parent of Student, NVA




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