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Andrew’s Story – ME student, Nisai Virtual Academy

Diagnosed with ME at age 7, Andrew has faced significant barriers in accessing education for most of his life. Andrew studied his 3rd A-Level at the NVA after completing his GCSEs…

“Working with Nisai has given me the chance to achieve great results that I am proud of. As a student whose illness prevents him from attending school, I have really appreciated the opportunity to learn with other young people my age. Working on projects in class together has been really enjoyable and it was great to be able to help direct group efforts during lessons; there’s a really good feeling of satisfaction when it all takes shape”.

When asked why Nisai works for a range of students, Andrew said “I think that the flexibility Nisai offers is a key factor. The understanding of the teachers and staff to each individual student’s situation, in particular, is crucial to this aspect. Nisai staff always ensure that lessons have been held at a suitable time for me. In addition to this, students like myself don’t need to worry about spending the limited energy they need for studying on travelling to and from lessons.”

“The NVA brings me as close to the classroom experience as I can imagine possible!”

“It is my goal to pursue a career in writing or journalism and I feel more confident about this, having studied with Nisai and achieved such positive results.”