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Case Studies

Isabelle’s Story – Parent Testimonial ME/CFS student, Nisai Virtual Academy

Isabelle was diagnosed with CFS/ME in April 2016, she missed a year of school and had medical needs home tutoring through the local education authority, despite her illness she did really well and managed to attained 5 GCSEs…

She attempted to go to sixth form the following academic year to do two A Levels on a very reduced timetable, often only managing 1-2 hours a day. However this took its toll on her health and by November she had to drop one A Level (English Literature) and she carried on with her French A Level, but by March had to give up altogether and left college.

Since studying with Nisai, Isabelle has confidence in her abilities again, she can study at her own pace and on days where she feels too unwell, she is able to catch up when she feels better. She finds the tutors very good and helpful and enjoys the lessons. Without this, Isabelle wouldn’t have been able to study and I can’t imagine how this would have affected her. The future is unknown, but once she gets better from this horrible illness I’m sure she will go on to do great things, she has a fantastic mind and spirit.

Through being able to carry her education on through Nisai she is optimistic about the future.
Thank you.

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