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Case Studies

Max’s Story Medical illness student, Nisai Virtual Academy Comments from Max’s mum

The Nisai Programme has exceeded our expectations.

They have small groups of students and fabulous teachers that really get to know the children which is so important when a young person has missed so much education and has faced many barriers previously. My son has been doing Maths and English (KS3) for 3 weeks and in such a short space of time, I have noticed a big difference in Max’s wellbeing and state of mind. He seems more confident and less melancholic and he genuinely looks forward to his class. All the staff at Nisai have been so helpful from setting this up to advising relevant courses/levels and arranging inductions/baseline assessments. It has made Max realise that he can access education easily in an environment which he is comfortable in and this has made him feel more positive.

Previously Max felt that he was struggling to achieve anything with regards to education but is now much more positive about his future. The IT system has never let us down and the teacher’s voice is always crystal clear and keeps Max focused on his lessons. Children also chat with each other so my son has become less isolated and is forming online friendships, which is lovely to see.

Due to spending so much time in hospital Max had to go back a year at school so he lost his friendships groups and made him more disengaged with his primary school. With the online clubs that Nisai offers, he is able to have a good circle of friends and is happy to chat with them during class and within the clubs.

Even CAMHS have commented on how different Max is and how much more positive he has become. His self-confidence has improved and his humour is back which means the world to us as parents.

Max also loves the assignments which Nisai set as he feels like he is learning independently which improves his confidence. His anxiety around learning is much more reduced with Nisai and we are hoping that with an integration package he will soon be able to access Nisai from school and will be able to help with his transition to Secondary school in September. Max now feels that he has a future and whereas before he saw school as Frankenstein’s monster, he now looks forward to his lessons

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