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Nisai and Quillsoft exhibit jointly for the first time at Closing the Gap, Minneapolis

For the first time since the arrangement to acquire a majority shareholding of Quillsoft, both organisations are exhibiting at Closing the Gap 2022 conference, held in Minneapolis from the 19th – 21st October 2022. With the joint values of inclusivity and accessibility, Nisai and Quillsoft will be demonstrating the offers of both organisations and how they support not only academic progress but also provide opportunity where once it may not have existed.

Closing the Gap 2022 represents the 40th Anniversary of the event and like many such events, is being held in person for the first time in three years.

The Closing The Gap Conference is an annual assistive technology conference that presents an opportunity to deepen your assistive technology (AT) knowledge and strengthen your implementation strategies. The conference week is designed to dig deeper into critical areas that have the power, when implemented strategically, to transform your classroom, your school, your district, your practice. When you start thinking differently about how to reach ALL students, how to infuse technology into learning, how to leverage AT strategies in all areas – then we begin to transform these areas and ultimately increase achievement and independence.

Nisai Group Learning Services Director David Lester, Quillsoft CEO, Fraser Shein and President John DeLuca will be available to discuss the options and support both organisations can offer learners of all ages.

As the week goes on we will be sharing insights in to the discussion points from the event and look to increase the awareness of the part assistive technologies can play when blended with a holistic approach to learning.

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