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Plan Your Planning

We all know that successful in our career, we have to plan ahead, in our job, we have to plan ahead’ in our life, we have to plan ahead.

Although we know this is true, we often forget to do it

When should we do it?

So, when do we do it.

Forgetting about work-life balance, the weekend is a good time.

At weekend, we should be able to reflect on the past week,.

What  did we achieve?

What goals did we meet?

What goals did we not meet?

Why not?

What circumstances have changed?

What goals need to be adjusted?

We should also know our availability for the coming week?

So, we can plan.

In fact we can forget the above comment about work-life balance.  When planning we can take account of work-life balance, planning in domestic or family matters.

So, schedule time for planning past reflection and future planning.

Plan to plan.  It makes sense. It should help work-life balance.  It should make you more productive.

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