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To grow a business is to grow people – an interview with CEO Nisai Group 

In a recent interview conducted by Raconteur in collaboration with HSBC, Dhruv Patel, CEO and founder of the Nisai Group, shared his experience on the transformative journey of scaling a technology-enabled education business. His insights underscore the important role of personnel soft skills and education liberation in fostering organizational growth and nurturing a dynamic corporate culture. 

From a humble beginning with a small team in the late 1990s, Nisai Group has flourished into a global entity with over 200 staff spread across the UK, Asia, and Canada. Patel attributes this growth not only to business acumen but also to emotional intelligence and a steadfast commitment to investing in people.

Mr. Dhruv Patel believes that personnel development plays a pivotal role in business growth.
Mr. Dhruv Patel believes that personnel development plays a pivotal role in business growth.

“As the business scaled, Patel changed his role to act more as a ‘facilitator and catalyst’ than a traditional top-down leader,” the interview revealed. This strategic shift empowered his senior team to make decisions autonomously, fostering a culture of accountability and engagement across Nisai’s global offices. 

Maintaining consistent culture and values across a distributed global team posed challenges that Patel addressed through hands-on induction processes and adaptable communication styles. Knowing when to let go was crucial in empowering his team to take ownership and drive the company forward. 

“If you want them to follow you, help them. You’ve got to lead from the front, but also at the same time saying, ‘Hey, hang on, they’re better people to lead from the front, let them go up.’”  

– Dhruv Patel, CEO and founder of the Nisai Group 

Reflecting on his leadership approach, Patel highlighted the importance of humility and a willingness to learn. “Admitting mistakes is framed as a way to empower employees to step up and support as needed,” he remarked, underscoring the significance of vulnerability in modern leadership. 

Beyond financial metrics, Patel stressed the importance of celebrating success in all its forms, including impact on local communities and support for charitable causes. Empowering employees by making them accountable and involving them in decision-making processes fosters a culture of trust and collaboration essential for sustained growth and innovation. 

The interview provides valuable insights into the synergistic relationship between business growth and personal development, reaffirming the Nisai Group’s commitment to nurturing talent and driving positive change in the global education landscape. 

You can read the full article here.

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