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Welcome to the second part of Nisai’s quest for Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM) status. In this series, we’ll walk you through strategies and initiatives that highlight our commitment to inclusive education and student support. Following our first part on proactive attendance monitoring, we now turn our attention to the Nisai

Recent data from authorities show a significant surge in homeschooling in Scotland, with over 2,200 children currently being schooled at home, up 40% in two years and more than tripling in seven years. This increase is due to lower educational standards and more classroom violence. Scotland’s decrease in international league

Welcome to the first part of Nisai’s quest for Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM) status. In this series, we’ll walk you through strategies and initiatives that highlight our commitment to inclusive education and student support. Our journey commences with a focus on proactive attendance monitoring—a pivotal aspect of fostering a supportive

In a recent interview conducted by Raconteur in collaboration with HSBC, Dhruv Patel, CEO and founder of the Nisai Group, shared his experience on the transformative journey of scaling a technology-enabled education business. His insights underscore the important role of personnel soft skills and education liberation in fostering organizational growth

Plan Your Planning

We all know that successful in our career, we have to plan ahead, in our job, we have to plan ahead’ in our life, we have to plan ahead. Although we know this is true, we often forget to

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Productivity at all costs?

We have all seen examples of business leaders focusing exclusively on productivity growth – and failing to develop the business. Elon Musk – and his (‘hard-nosed’) approach to managing Twitter (now ‘X’) is just one example. Does this mean that

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