Units of Sound used by Teacher in Essex
“I worked with Units of Sound for over 7 years in a specialist provision for students aged 14-19. The majority of students were diagnosed with autism or had moderate learning difficulties. This computer program particularly encouraged independence for students who were diagnosed with dyslexia, or had general literacy weaknesses. The students loved working with an intervention […]
Units of Sound used by a Secondary School in the Outer Hebrides
What the students say (aged 12-14yrs): “I think it helps me improve listening skills – super useful if you’re struggling in an area of spelling, but it definitely helps me improve concentration and I’ve been able to focus better because of this. It forces my brain to really home in on things and has helped […]
Lucas’s Story – Parent Testimonial ASD & ADHD, Nisai House student
“I feel things are working really well at Nisai and Lucas is really happy…” “In terms of his ASD and ADHD needs; it feels like they are being met. Thirty-minute lessons in a calm environment are perfect. It also helps that he can wear headphones to block out any distractions or noises. “The amount and […]
Andrew’s Story – ME student, Nisai Virtual Academy
Diagnosed with ME at age 7, Andrew has faced significant barriers in accessing education for most of his life. Andrew studied his 3rd A-Level at the NVA after completing his GCSEs… “Working with Nisai has given me the chance to achieve great results that I am proud of. As a student whose illness prevents him […]
Emma’s Video – Medical illness student, Nisai Virtual Academy
Emma has a chronic condition called POTS which is an abnormal increase in heart rate that occurs after sitting up or standing… This condition can cause dizziness, fainting and other symptoms. Emma has been studying with Nisai Learning since March 2018 and enjoys the classes, social clubs and has made a lot of friends. She […]
Isabelle’s Story – Parent Testimonial ME/CFS student, Nisai Virtual Academy
Isabelle was diagnosed with CFS/ME in April 2016, she missed a year of school and had medical needs home tutoring through the local education authority, despite her illness she did really well and managed to attained 5 GCSEs… She attempted to go to sixth form the following academic year to do two A Levels on […]
Daniel’s Video – ASD student, Nisai Virtual Academy
Daniel was diagnosed with ASD in year 5 and used to dread the idea of going to school. He experienced a lot of anxiety and did not get on in mainstream or in a special school… Daniel was diagnosed with ASD in year 5 and used to dread the idea of going to school. He […]
Kate’s Video – Guardian News ME student, Nisai Virtual Academy
Guardian filmed a video with our student Kate, who explains how she got her A Levels with a virtual school… A lovely video of one of our students speaking to Guardian News about how they got their A Levels online while studying with us. A great way for students to understand how our Nisai Virtual […]
Colin’s Story – Disaffected student, Nisai Virtual Academy
Colin was a 12-year-old student from the Middlesbrough area who had been out of mainstream education since the early part of Key Stage Two… Colin had also tried attending alternative provisions, but “had trouble” with it. He was completely disengaged from education. It was decided that Colin and his family would try online learning with […]
Amy’s Story – Transgender Student with ASD
Amy was born in 2000, a beautiful baby boy, who we called Jamie. At 15. Jamie had ASD traits and was able to tell me that he was, in fact, transgender and from then on I must call her Amy and refer to her in female pronouns. Amy was born in 2000, a beautiful baby […]